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Image by Hal Gatewood

About Brainspotting

“Trauma is not what happens to you; trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you.”


They say the eyes are the window to the soul. We look into the eyes of another every day to check for understanding, to seek connection, and to understand the emotions they may be feeling. Body language and facial expressions can be shielded to hide emotions, but not the eyes. We can always read the emotional state of another by connecting with their eyes. The same is true of our own eyes. They are a billboard, advertising to the world who we are and our current emotional state.


Brainspotting uses the eyes as a window to the soul and a portal to healing. It is a holistic healing modality built on the mind-body-spirit connection. Brainspotting is based on particular points in the client’s field of vision (“spots”) that are used to connect with a particular issue or memory stored in the brain and bring it forward for healing. It turns out that where we look in our field of vision is closely related to how our brain stores information, and the feelings associated with that information. This is very similar to how a particular memory can be triggered by a smell or a song you haven’t heard in a long time. Memories, feelings, thought patterns are associated with certain sounds, smells, and eye position. In brainspotting, the eye position acts as a special key to unlock what hasn’t been reachable previously – It is a key that opens the door to healing.

Mind, Body, Soul in Brainspotting

Our brain and our body are deeply connected and brainspotting leverages that connection to further target the issue that needs to be healed. In addition to the visual “spots”, brainspotting uses the body sensations related to the issue at hand. These could be sensations like a tightening feeling in the chest, or a cramping in the stomach, a buzzing in the ears, or a positive feeling such as a feeling of calm in the chest, a sense of well-being in the stomach, an expansive feeling of support at the crown of the head. Bringing awareness to these sensations helps the client better target the issue they want to resolve. It also helps the client stay grounded and aware of their body instead of trying to think their way through an issue.


​We are relational beings and we are wired for connection. Brainspotting is built on the relational connection between the practitioner and the client. You can think of it as a container of safety that is created between the practitioner and the client as they mindfully process the issue at hand. This can be a meditative experience for both. The practitioner is creating a safe space and holding that space for the client. It is the attunement between the client and the practitioner that provides the support necessary for the client to unlock the issue and bring it forward for healing.

Cecilia Mills

What Happens in a Brainspotting Session

In a brainspotting session, the client will sit facing the practitioner. The practitioner will be holding a pointer and will ask the client to focus their eyes on the end of the pointer.

If you want to know more, or if you feel ready to experience the healing that Brainspotting can provide, click HERE.

The pointer is used to move through the client’s field of vision (side-to-side and up / down) to find the “spot” associated with the particular issue the client wants to resolve. Once they get near a spot, often to the client’s amazement, they can tell the practitioner exactly where the spot in their field of vision is, sometimes with extreme precision, telling the practitioner to “…move the pointer half an inch to the left and 2 inches down.”


Once the spot has been identified, the client relaxes as they focus their vision on the spot as well as resting their mindful attention on the issue they are wanting to heal or resolve. The practitioner is there to hold the space for healing, as well as serve as a safe harbor for the client if needed, providing their eyes as a safe place to look for support. Together, the practitioner and the client mindfully process on that spot, with the client allowing their brain to take them wherever it needs to go in order to work on the issue. Sometimes this can be a journey into the past, or into things that the client never realized were related to the issue at hand. Great insight can come from this work as well as great healing. No two brainspotting sessions are alike.


Some brainspots will zero in on a trauma or a negative thought pattern to facilitate healing, while other brainspots are the exact opposite and can act as supportive conduits of expansion.  In some sessions we may identify both types of spots and use them together to heal and grow at the same time.  The supportive brainspots can be used to enable forward growth toward goals, facilitate a better understanding and connection to yourself, or improve performance in a particular area.

What Brainspotting Can Help With

Brainspotting is a healing technique that can be used to help resolve a whole host of issues. It was born out of the trauma treatment world, specifically evolving from a technique called EMDR that is often used for PTSD or other “big T” trauma. However, brainspotting is effective for a wide variety of issues besides trauma. Here are a few examples:

Here are a few examples:

  • Unprocessed grief

  • Physical & emotional trauma

  • Recovery from injury & accident

  • Sports performance

  • Improvement in creative endeavors such as music, writing, or performance art

  • Confidence in public speaking or support for an upcoming stressful situation

  • Anxiety / Stress

  • Phobias

  • Addiction

  • Chronic fatigue / pain / illness

  • Focus or attention issues

Brainspotting is founded on the principle that the client knows how to do the healing they need.  Brainspotting is a way to provide the proper support to enable the client to do the work, healing or growth they need to do. That means that the brainspotting practitioner will never take you where you don’t want to go. They will follow your lead and support you in your own healing process, whatever that looks like for you.


​Brainspotting is a powerful, holistic solution that provides effective and long-lasting relief to clients. It can be used to heal and it can also be used to grow toward goals. It leverages the mind-body connection to target specific areas using eye positions and body sensation, releasing issues that were previously unreachable by traditional means. Brainspotting is the ultimate holistic tool, engaging all aspects of the client. It activates a healing of the mind, body, and spirit in a way that is supportive throughout each client’s unique process.  

Additional resources:

Image by Joshua J. Cotten
Image by Artem Sapegin


According to Coach Cece, in the context of personal growth or self-help, the term "Magic Method" refers to a specific technique or strategy that is believed to be particularly effective in achieving a certain outcome or goal. It is important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for personal growth and development. Different methods and strategies work for different people, and it is important to find what works best for everyone. Therefore, Coach Cece created THE MAGIC METHOD™ MAP to tailor her life coaching program to fit every individual regardless of their background. By creating a safe and supportive environment, and by customizing the program to fit their unique needs, Coach Cece can help individuals achieve their personal and professional goals and enhance their overall well-being.

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